Tuesday, October 4, 2016

2016 ABIE Awards at GHC

2016 ABIE Awards at GHC
by Faye Cheng

As an emerging woman technologist, I find it extremely encouraging and motivating to have strong women leaders and role models who inspire me with their drive and passion in technology. The annual Anita Borg ABIE Awards celebrate the successes of such women, and highlights their outstanding achievements and contributions to the tech world. As I read through all of the profiles of ABIE Winners, I realize that there are countless inspiring women that have demonstrated great strides in technological advancements, and are committed to improving the communities around them.

As Grace Hopper 2016 draws nearer, I am very excited to hear from the 2016 ABIE Award Winners. This will be a great opportunity to be able to connect with them first-hand and learn about their experiences and achievements. This year, there will be several session talks dedicated to ABIE Award Winners, held at the Grace Hopper Celebration. Be sure to mark your calendars!

October 19 (Wednesday)

3:30 - 3:45 Special Sessions 2016 Change Agent ABIE Award Winner
4:00 - 4:45 Special Sessions 2016 A. Richard Newton ABIE Award Winner

October 20 (Thursday)

1:00 - 1:45 Special Sessions 2016 Social Impact ABIE Award Winner

October 21 (Friday)

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