Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hi, My Name is Ed

edMy name is Ed.  In actuality, my nickname is Ed.  My name is Erin, but please call me Ed.

I'm going to be a senior next year at DePauw University in Greencastle, IN.  This is my first time going to GHC.  I can't lie to you, I'm so excited!! I've been lucky enough to attend regional conferences here in Indiana and I'm always filled with enthusiasm and energy!  I know GHC is going to be just as exciting and energetic.

I've looked through the schedule and highlighted everything that I want to go to.  Looking back at my highlighting, there are a lot of events that overlap, so I'm going to have to decide which ones I really really want to go to.  Those will be difficult decisions!  Here are some, but not all, of the sessions I'm hoping to go to:

  • Networking Workshop with Jo Miller-This is something I know I can improve on.  Plus, I'm going to be a senior!  Soon I'll be going out into the real world and looking for a job.  I think this workshop will be extremely beneficial.
  • Resume Clinic-Once again, I'm going to be a senior looking for a job.  Resume tips are always welcome!
  • How to Manage Your Career When "Life Gets in the Way"-I've always looking for information about how to keep my life balanced so I'm not overlooking some important aspect of my life be it friends, academics, or family.
  • Any Session about Recruiting Girls into CS or Outreach Programs-I'm the chair of Women in Computer Science (we use the same acronym as Kate, WiCS), so I'm tirelessly on the lookout for how to improve our organization.

If you need to look at the schedule to do your own highlighting, check it out here.  Feel free to leave comments about what sessions you're most looking forward to attending.

Don't forget to join the GHC Facebook group and to start following GHC on Twitter!


Kate said...

Hey Ed,

Hope to see you at our BOF session on women's groups! It would be great to hear your ideas too!


BJ Wishinsky said...

Great post, Ed. Keep an eye on this blog, because presenters of some of the sessions you listed (resume clinic, networking event) will be blogging here over the next few weeks!

Also check out the Grace Hopper 2008 group on Facebook. There's a discussion board topic on student groups where it would be great to see your WICS group added.

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