Monday, September 8, 2008

GHC - an opportunity for life changing connections

I had the great fortune to attend the first Grace Hopper Celebration in 1994, just as I was finishing my Ph.D. I was looking to begin my career and looking for ways to be successful.

I felt so comfortable at the conference, the speakers passionate about their work and I met so many amazing women that I wish I could be like, and many that I personally could aspire to be.

Since I was looking to my future, I looked to connect with those further in their career. Most were 40-ish and doing well, but still struggling. Since then, almost everyone of those women has taken leaps forward. They are now department heads, deans, and presidents of universities. They have started companies, non-profits, joined the executive ranks, and encouraged and mentored thousands of younger technologists. I truly believe that the Grace Hopper Celebration has played a big role in their success. It gives us all role models and colleagues (around the world) that share our passion for technology and for building a better world. It gives us new ideas on how to lead, inspire, and take chances to accomplish things we are passionate about.

Since I've found GHC to be such a wonderful place to build long term professional and personal relationships, I'm working on the CONNECT project and encouraging everyone attending GHC to network and build friendships. You will see more posts from me on this as we get closer to the conference.

For now, I just want to give you the basic info on the CONNECT project, and encourage you to sign up.


CONNECT at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

Looking for a fun way to improve and expand your personal and career network? Try CONNECT, a new innovative system that will be in place for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. With CONNECT, you can set networking goals, receive help to ensure you meet your goals, and learn the latest networking tips. The best part about CONNECT – it’s free!

Here’s how it works:

Ø Register at Enter your information, who you would like to meet while at the conference and any difficulties you have networking with others.

Ø You will receive a conference badge with a bar code on it. Throughout the conference, when you meet someone who you like to exchange contact information with, you will be able to scan each other’s badges using the CONNECT SCANNER.

Ø All attendees will wear a colored ribbon corresponding to their respective work area (e.g., Assistant Professor or Software Engineer). These ribbons will help you make the connections with others you want to make while at the GHC conference.

Ø Each night you will be receive updates on the status of your networking goals based and list of connections you've made. These emails will include a summary of the types of people you have met so far and suggestions on the types of people you should try to meet the next day.

Ø Networking tips tailored to your needs will also be sent via email to help you improve your connections with others at the conference.

Ø At the end of the conference, you will receive contact information of the other attendees you connected with. In addition, you will receive tips on maintaining the connections you made over the long run.

With CONNECT, you will develop your networking skills, gain valuable career contacts, and make immportant connections with those in your field whether they are peers, mentors, mentees, or role models. Register for CONNECT today and take a step towards improving yourself and creating long-lasting relationships with others in the computing industry!


Ritu Arora said...

Wow! CONNECT sounds so impressive. I have never seen or heard about a networking concept like this before.

Anupama said...


i did register myself for the Connect Project but did not receive any confirmation or email for the same. Should I go ahead an register myself again??


Kathy said...

CONNECT registration does not yet have a automated confirmation page.

Grad students are still debugging and making sure that the system will work flawlessly at GHC. Confirmation is not the #1 priority.

There is a anupama registered with a photo, so if you loaded your photo, you are probably registered.

You will get an email this week with more info.

Anonymous said...

I'm really excited about CONNECT, I think it sounds like a fantastic concept. :)

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