Monday, October 13, 2008

Ready for Next Year?

So is everyone excited for Tuscon? I'm curious to know what kind of sessions you'd like to see next year. Did you like the format this year, and if you'd prefer some changes, what would they be?


Valerie Fenwick said...

What are the dates for next year? I can't wait. I wish we could do more interactive sessions on Saturday like we did last year. I'm one of those women that wants longer sessions & longer breaks... but both of those goals are just not possible to meet! :-)

Gail Carmichael said...

I'd like to see longer BOF sessions in particular, and more breaks for networking. I understand why the conference is packed into two days but in an ideal world it would be much more spread out :)

Valerie Fenwick said...

I know, I wouldn't mind if Wednesday was a full day of conference, if that would help! or Saturday, since that should work for students who shouldn't have class on that day.

Kate said...

I think the dates are nearly the same time as this year! Sept 30 - Oct 3?

To me it seemed like there was more time last year for these things. I guess the conference was still two days, but it seemed way longer. I think the format was a bit different too last year.

Ed @ Cross-Country Beauty said...

I didn't get a chance to attend the BOF sessions because I was having really great conversations. I love the idea of using Wednesday for more sessions. I think a BOF on Wednesday would be a great way to casually start the conference and get to meet people interested in the same things, great networking opportunity.

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